on sunday june 5 we didn't want to go far from home as we were having friends over for dinner so needed to be home for most of the afternoon to cook a roast. now it just so happened that the albany classic was on that weekend (as i understand it, it is kind of like targa tasmania) and sunday was the round the houses stage. we headed into the city with every intention of going down to the boatshed market before watching the racing for a while, however there were so many streets blocked off for the racing we found it impossible to get to the market so we found ourselves a possie and checked out the cars instead.
robbie had a lovely time snapping away:
after a couple of hours of very noisy cars we headed off home to cook our roast for dinner, which, if i do say so myself, was rather yummy, and was followed by delicious raspberry cheescake, provided by our visitors. we had a lovely evening which was over all too soon as i had to get up for work in the morning, robbie had the day off but even so he had to get up to take me.
it was thursday of last week that gastro appeared at work, consequently i was working in the middle of it on friday and also on saturday, by sunday i was sure that i was going to get it but we were brave and set out for walpole for lunch anyway. we had lunch at the golden wattle cafe which was very good, robbie especially was very impressed with his seafood basket and salad. after lunch we decided to drive back towards albany keeping our eyes open for something to do/look at. we saw a sign for sandy beach and headed up the road for a look:
quite pretty but nothing out of the ordinary really. we then drove up a road which took us to the rest stop holiday park which is on the water and looks very nice:
the pelicans seemed to be very much at home on the end of this jetty:
and they weren't terribly impressed with us when we came to close for comfort:
this guy was braver than the rest:
it was fairly difficut to get into it.
home again and off to bed early to prepare for work in the morning. gastro was still rife among the residents so once again i wallowed in it all day and sure enough tuesday morning we both had it. we are coming good now though, robbie will be back at work tomorrow and i will be back for my afternoon shift friday, hopefully everyone at work will be over it by then too.